Friday, February 5, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Join Us in This New Advertizing Platform

WHAT.ISMYBLOGS.NAME was put together really to help people who find it hard to make money online, and to help those people who have lost their jobs recently due to our countries and other countries economic downfalls. Together we can take control of our income destiny, truly by believing in this one principle “TEAM” acronym for Together Everyone Achieves More!
You have the opportunity of a life time with this program. What is my Blogs Name, a new blogging Internet service that offers an inexpensive way for you to advertise your busines. It is so easy to use and you don’t need to be a computer guru!

This group advertisng network has enabled me to easily create my own web presence in no time and it costs me only $9.95 per month. People who don’t even have a website are using this network because a blog is a website.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Blogging For Your Business

Not long ago a blog was simply an online diary. Talking about how their day went, what they had for dinner last night, and why they spent the whole weekend doing laundry.

Now blogs are frequently being used as business journals, tools that can help keep your customers and web site visitors up to date with what is going on with your company. A business blog is an excellent way to toot your own horn, let the world know about your new products, and tell your target customers why they should do business with you, rather than your competitor.

Make your blog an extension of your business identity. The look and feel of your blog should match that of your business web site. Don’t forget to include your logo!

A blog is an excellent tool to reach potential customers, rank higher in search engines and generate more of the ever-important visitor traffic to your web site.

Don’t have a blog for your business yet? No problem! Here is how you can start blogging on our network for free for the first 30 days.